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Item U.S intelligence and mass surveillance after 9/11 events(2016-06-08) Drioueche Asma Sarra YoussraDespite the vast research about the 9/11 events and its effects, little is known about the ambiguous mass surveillance programs conducted by the U.S intelligence agencies during this period and how they spied not only on their citizens, but also on populations from all around the world. That is why this study aims at identifiynig the impact of the 9/11 attacks on the conduct of the U.S Intelligence Community.The purpose of this research also involves examining the relationship between both of National Security and Individual Liberties post the 9/11 period. The preliminary results of this research shows that after the 9/11 events, the amount of mass surveillance programs established by the U.S Government incredibly increased, as well as the legislation set to authorize these blurred activities. The conclusions drawn from this study portray mass surveillance after the 9/11 events as more aggressive than in the past and thirstier for gathering all kind of data, be it unnecessary one about all the individuals even the innocent ones.This led to a sparking controversy between the advocates of mass surveillance in the name of securing the country,and those protesting against these surveillance activities in the name of defending the individuals' freedoms.